2 min readOct 14, 2021

What is DAO?

DAO according to Dynite is an entity set up and ran by code on the blockchain. It lives on the internet and exists autonomously except it heavily relies on hiring smart individuals (like you) to do things automation can’t…. at least for now. More simply, automation at the center, humans at the side.

In the space of DeFi Mean DAO is hereby a project that is permissionless and aim to revolutionize the global financial activities from it traditional way by bringing decentralized finance to the banking system. MeanFi does not follow the conventional way of access followed in traditional finance. Anybody could access MeanFi through an internet connection and a crypto wallet. With these, anyone could leverage on numerous benefit embbeded on MeanFi plaform irrespective of their location or amount of funds.

MeanFi is rebranding everyday banking experience by giving you control over your own finances. With MeanFi platform, you remain in control of your finances. While you have to deposit your funds into the platform, you decide what happens to them. Instead of trusting human intermediaries to qualify you for a loan or decide how to manage your investments, MeanFi smart contract does that for you. Also when using MeanFi Platform, there is no need for you to do KYC or do any registration before you can have access.

MeanFi is referred to as “The DeFi for the People”, MeanFi has already established itself as the centre of the Solana ecosystem, with the ability of finding the best prices across multiple DEXes by optimizing routing, fees, slippage, and pricing impact. Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) which is a strategy that enables you to invests a total sum of money in small increments over time instead of all at once. With MeanFi you can also setup a payroll and automate the payment of your employee wages or salaries or even to pay up your contractors anywhere in the world without the involvement of traditional banking services and you can even use the money streaming feature to be paying your children spending allowances automatically without stressing your brain. Furthermore, you can also view and track account details for any SPL to easy know how many tokens you have in your wallet.

This project has incredible goals and future plans with a very intelligent team that inspires confidence and growth.

Join AMA Sessions live every Friday at 4:00 PM UTC on their discord server


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Twitter : @meanfinance

Medium: Mean DAO

Website: MeanFi

